Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards - Call for Nominations

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Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards - Call for Nominations

Postby Kris@WLP » Thu May 25, 2006 10:56 pm

(Yes, I'm posting this four different places. I'm the admin and publisher. I get to do this. Reminding me of this may get you a bit of leniency in future, but don't push it.)


The Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards is pretty much the closest thing webcomics has to an Academy Award. In order to vote, you have to have been a webcomic creator (writer, artist, or publisher) in 2005.

After lengthy delays, the voting for nominations has FINALLY opened, and I spent most of today getting my votes in.

If you've done a webcomic (and Dave, this includes you), I'd greatly appreciate it if you would (a) register at the above URL- QUICKLY- and (b) consider WLP comics like Peter is the Wolf in your voting. You can vote for up to three different webcomics per category during the nominations process.

The categories, by the way, are:

Outstanding Newcomer
Outstanding Comic
Outstanding Artist
Outstanding Black and White Art
Outstanding New Character Design
Outstanding Environment Design
Outstanding Use of Colour
Outstanding Website Design
Outstanding Use of Flash
Outstanding Use of Infinite Canvas
Outstanding Character Art
Outstanding Layout
Outstanding Writer
Outstanding Character Writing
Outstanding Long Form Comic
Outstanding Short Form Comic
Outstanding Single Panel Comic
Outstanding Story Concept
Outstanding Anthropomorphic Comic
Outstanding Gaming Comic
Outstanding Slice-of-Life Comic
Outstanding Romantic Comic
Outstanding Science Fiction Comic
Outstanding Superhero/Action Comic
Outstanding Fantasy Comic
Outstanding Comedic Comic
Outstanding Dramatic Comic

If you're doing a webcomic, go vote, and give Peter is the Wolf a thought, hm?

And if you're not a webcomic creator, only a fan... which categories do you think Peter is the Wolf deserves a nomination for? (That is, which categories would you rank Peter is the Wolf in the top three or four webcomics -in- that category?)
Kris@WLP, local head honcho
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