PitW -20 Parts 2 and 3: Jack Writes Home, and Walt

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PitW -20 Parts 2 and 3: Jack Writes Home, and Walt

Postby Kris@WLP » Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:20 am

Apparently I forgot to post here when I hurriedly put the Jack bit up a couple weeks back.


http://www.peteristhewolf.com/general/text002.html - Jack's letter
http://www.peteristhewolf.com/general/text003.html - teenage Walt has a usual conversation with his grandmother

Doing PitW -20, plus establishing Mabel Garrity's backstory, is making me nail down more details of the recent past. I just updated Walt Stubbe's WLPWiki entry to reflect the new, and final, canon.

In my head, technology and culture references aside, PitW takes place in roughly 2004. Thomas Stubbe (Peter's great-granddad) was alpha from the mid-1930s or so until the early 1950s. Franklin Stubbe was Thomas's only surviving son by his second (much younger) wife; he was in the pre-Vietnam peacetime draft army, got out, and almost immediately challenged the then-current alpha, who backed down immediately. Two years later he attempted to claim Con Nero's wife, and that's how Con became alpha. (I'll have to change the Wiki for him, too, won't I?) A month after Franklin's death, Walt was born.

Marjorie is Not a Nice Person At All, and it could be said she's successfully driven at least three people to their deaths. Writing this chapter made it gel for me, for the first time, how Walter could be on the one hand convinced he should be pack alpha and, on the other hand, satisfied to follow meekly Gus or even Jack's orders. And we also see a little bit of Peter in younger Walt, through the anger and self-delusion.

Hope you like it, and hope to see some of you in Dallas this weekend or Shreveport the next.

The next PitW-20 will be the Wald family- that's Peter's Mom, his uncle, and their parents. All in all, a much, MUCH healthier family than the Stubbes.

EDIT: Oh, yeah- check out http://www.wlpshirts.com/ - I've just updated with a few sales and something like TEN new shirt designs, including a revival of the old "I Pledge Allegiance to the Cleavage" with a new twist.
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Re: PitW -20 Parts 2 and 3: Jack Writes Home, and Walt

Postby Kaeto » Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:34 am

Hmmm. Walt is showing a lot of common sense in spite of his lack of raw intelligence.
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Re: PitW -20 Parts 2 and 3: Jack Writes Home, and Walt

Postby JnEricsonx » Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:11 pm

Wisdom and Intelligence are two different stats in most video games. Walt isn't the brightest on some things, but he's not useless, and has a good heart, something Peter inherited in spades.
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